A fusion of fashion, art and meaning
My slow fashion collection is a combination of my work as artist, surface designer and colour therapist. Inspiration for the collection took root during my stay at an Ayurvedic retreat in India in 2022 where I attended a traditional cloth dyeing demonstration. During this event a beautiful story emerged about the use of turmeric on fabric. In traditional wisdom turmeric dyed cloth is worn as a form of protection by people travelling from village to village. This meaning-making of colour and fabric spoke to my love for storytelling, fashion and creating art.
Always inspired by the natural world and its seasonal cycles and changing colours, I started off by using dyes from my immediate surroundings, like beetroot and rosemary. This was however not sustainable for a larger body of work and although I now use commercial dyes, all the garments are still hand dyed and therefore unique handcrafted pieces. I use only sustainable fabrics, like linen, cotton and hemp and every colour carries a specific energy vibration that is intentionally chosen for each piece according to the season. Each colour’s vibration comes with its own sense of joy, beauty, healing and connection.
Five of the collection’s garments were designed in collaboration with slow fashion designer, Marutsca Breitenmoser, whose designs are based on the ‘less is more’ philosophy. This concept fitted right into my desire to create meaningful and intuitive fashion with an awareness of treading lighter on our planet.
Ageless elegance for everyone's unique style. Wear it inside, or style it for streetwear.